Farmers Market

by - 6/29/2016

I forgot how incredibly awesome farmers markets are!

Today I bought a gigantic bunch of kale, collard greens, bok choy, asparagus, shiitake mushrooms, blueberries, 2 cucumbers, 1 onion for $23!

Best part about this purchase:
 1. supports local farmers
2. everything was grown locally
3. it is only foods in season
4. food is extra fresh
5. food tastes better with more nutrients
6. helping protect the environment

The amount of kale I got was 2-3x the amount I receive at Whole Foods for half the price.

I am SO excited about this purchase and finally making the effort to go to the farmers market.
In the past I have gone too late and most of the stands have been taken down or all the good food is gone.

Lesson learned.
Arrive to the farmers market early.
I also learned I don't need cash!

I don't always have cash on me and use it as an excuse to skip the farmers market.
Who knew I could pay with a card.

 I don't know why I waited so long to take full advantage of the local farmers market.
The one I found is absolutely awesome and even has local raw honey, which is the best kind.

I look forward to going to the farmers market every week.
Really helps with how much I spend weekly on food.

If your not sure where a local farmers market is by you, check out the below website to look one up.

It is worth it!

Originally written 6.26.16

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