As an athlete do you know how annoying it is to
no longer be able to put your body weight on your wrist
and do push-ups or handstands or downward dog?
Or as a regular person, struggle with picking up bags and
carrying things and being cautious of how you hold things?
All I wanted was to be able to use my right wrist again
in the way it used to work.
I wasn't sure if I somehow fractured a small bone
or if I just had a ganglion cyst.
In true Khrystle fashion I dragged my feet on this
and kept exercising, just hoping it would feel better.
When it didn't, I finally went to an expert and
after an x-ray he confirmed 100% it was a ganglion cyst.
He gave me a shot in my wrist that left me bruised for 3 weeks,
but then I was able to start using my wrist again.
The pain reduced for sure and the cyst got a little smaller.
I started doing things I missed -
you know handstands, yoga, picking up my purse with that wrist, etc.
I still wasn't able to put my full body weight on my wrist,
but improvement was there - #win!
A few months went by and it started to hit me - this could be forever.
Like my wrist will be like this as long as that ganglion cyst is in that spot.
I tried popping it by myself ...
slamming it with books, sleeping with an eraser over the cyst, putting essential oils on it ...
nothing quite got it (the cyst is legit in my wrist so it only shows when I bend my wrist).
None of the doctors liked when I told them the things I tried,
so please don't try slamming it with a book.
The essential oils and eraser seemed to help some!
One day on Instagram I learned about Dr. Chris at Barefoot Rehab.
It was as if he was talking directly to me -
pain lasting more than a few months - other doctors couldn't get rid of it ...
Everything he was saying gave me hope.
I knew I had to go see him.
Our first time meeting Dr. Chris said he could reduce my pain in less than 5 sessions.
He worked on my arm - breaking up all of the adhesion and sent me home
insisting I make sure to drink plenty of water and eat nutritious foods that day especially.
After another session Dr. Chris started to become less hopeful about my wrist.
He will tell you if he can't help you - straight up.
I was hopeful though ... like I really wanted this to work.
We discussed getting an MRI done.
So off I went - scheduled the MRI.
Come to find out I have 2 ganglion cysts in my right wrist
I set up another appointment with the first doctor to discuss my options.
Since the first shot didn't do much and him giving me another shot would mess up my joints,
the only option we had was surgery.
I wasn't sold on surgery just yet though.
I went back to Dr. Chris for us to do more work.
He still was unsure about it fully working.
So, I made another appointment with the initial doc so I could book a date for surgery.
I figured let me get the cyst removed sooner than later.
The doc wasn't excited about this - he hated doing surgery on ganglion cysts because most of the time they just come back, but he was willing to do the surgery if that was what I wanted.
May I just say, I really appreciate having doctors like this who are fully transparent.
Both of these doctors were not just looking to scam me and take my money.
They both genuinely wanted to help me.
I booked a date for surgery and before I left the doc said,
if we are going to do surgery I need you to make the cyst bigger.
... in other words the cyst SHRUNK in size!!!
He even acknowledged that it was smaller than when he first saw me!
What Dr. Chris was doing was HELPING!!!!
I knew it would.
So back to Dr. Chris I went more determined than ever to get my wrist working.
It took less than 5 sessions and my wrist works.
The pain is gone.
I can do handstands.
I can do yoga.
I can put my body weight on my wrist.
It is a freaking miracle.
I avoided surgery and having to be in a cast for a few weeks.
I am SO THANKFUL to Dr. Chris and the work he did on my wrist.
If you're curious about what his work actually looks like click here
to see a video from one of our sessions.
Sometimes we are so eager to just get surgery, but there are other options.
Barefoot Rehab is another option!
Check them out here: